Where FIP ends and hope begins

Two main forms of
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Effusive (WET) FIP
Effusive FIP is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the chest or abdomen, which can lead to breathing difficulties - this is the most distinctive clinical sign of the disease. Other common symptoms of effusive FIP include fever, weight loss, lack of appetite, jaundice, and diarrhea.

Non-effusive (DRY) FIP
Common symptoms of dry FIP include weight loss, lethargy, fever, and loss of appetite. In some cases, affected cats may also experience neurological and ocular symptoms like seizures, ataxia, haemorrhage and cloudiness in eyes.
Our Delivery Partner
3 - 5 Business days
1 - 3 Business days

Note: we ship from Germany and Singapore
Our Promises
Money Is Back!
We refund sealed unused products when you return them under any circumstances you decide to return to us. Read our refund policy here.
Oh No, A Relapse.
In case your cat relapses after finishing the treatment with our products, we ship one extra vial for each 3 you order from us. Click here to contact us.
Holy Ship!
Shipping is free of charge for each order above 500 Euros.
Click here to start ordering our effective FIP treatment.
Furr-IP Warriors
800+ cats saved from the devastating FIP disease by The FurPurr.
Join our journey today.