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Neuro FIP


Moni, a 3‐month‐old cat obtained from a rescuer, presented with lethargy, inappetence, abdominal ascites, and paresis. Serum biochemistry at the initial exam revealed severe hyperglobulinemia and A/G ratio of 0.3 (albumin, 27 g/L; reference interval, 22‐41 g/L; globulin, >100 g/L; reference interval, 26‐51 g/dL) .

Treatment with The FurPurr GS441524 was initiated at 10mg/kg GS-441524 SC SID.  Within 4 days of treatment, Moni began to show reduction in the amount of paresis.  Within 2 weeks, Moni regained stable gait which continued to improve throughout treatment.

After 11 weeks of treatment previously noted serum biochemistry abnormalities had normalized.  (albumin, 33 g/L; reference interval, 22‐41 g/L; globulin, 54 g/
L; reference interval, 26‐51 g/dL; A/G ratio 0.6).

After 84 days of GS441524 antiviral therapy, treatment was stopped. Moni appeared clinically normal.  Moni is currently 4 months post treatment with no signs of relapse.

Serum biochemistry of Moni 

Pre-treatment vs post-treatment for neuro FIP

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-18 at 12.25.23 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-18 at 12.25.07 PM.jpeg

Video of resolution of neuro symptoms

Pre-treatment FIP: Moni with paresis

Post- treatment FIP: Moni has regained stable gait

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