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Criteria for completing FIP treatment

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

When deciding whether a patient is ready to complete treatment after 84 days or after extended FIP treatment, it is crucial to consider both clinical observations and diagnostic information. It's important to assess your cat's overall health, rather than overemphasizing individual abnormal values in blood tests. For example, a slightly high globulin level or a slightly low A:G ratio should not be the only determining factors. The focus should be on treating your cat based on its individual condition and not relying solely on blood test results.

Blood test (CBC and biochemical profile) To assess readiness to discontinue treatment in cases of FIP, a complete blood count (CBC) and chemistry panel are recommended. Ideally, the following markers should return to their normal limits:

  • Resolved anaemia.

  • Normal neutrophil levels.

  • Lymphocyte percentage of 20% or higher.

  • Lymphocytosis, an increase in the number of lymphocytes, is often observed during and after treatment as a result of immune activation. Lymphocyte counts may take several months to return to normal after treatment ends. Lymphocytosis can generally be omitted in the context of FIP.

  • Resolution of hyperbilirubinemia.

  • Globulin levels within normal limits.

  • Desirable albumin to globulin ratio (A/G) of 0.7 or higher. However, some cats may not reach this level but can still be considered cured. If the A/G ratio is lower than 0.7, it is less of a concern whether it is due to normal globulin levels and low (or low normal) albumin levels, rather than vice versa.

Clinical evaluation Clinical evaluation of the cat is critical in determining readiness to complete FIP treatment. The following factors should be considered:

  • Neurological and ocular symptoms: Resolve these symptoms, bearing in mind that some residual damage or symptoms may persist in neurological or ocular FIP.

  • Energy Level: Does the cat show normal (or higher) energy levels?

  • Appetite: Does the cat have a normal appetite?

  • Weight Gain: Did the cat gain weight during treatment?

If the cat does not generally meet the above criteria, it is recommended to increase the dose and extend the treatment for at least 2-4 weeks. After the treatment, it is recommended to observe the cat for 3 months to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment. During this period, check-ups and blood tests should be performed every 4-6 weeks.

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