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Steps to Take While Awaiting GS-441524 Treatment

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

  1. Immediate Symptomatic Treatment: Begin with symptomatic treatments, often involving prescribed steroids, antibiotics, and supplemental medications. Steroids control inflammation within the cat's body, while antibiotics combat bacterial infections. These measures help manage the condition until GS-441524 treatment arrives.

  2. Address Fever: If your cat experiences fever, seek your veterinarian's guidance for appropriate fever-reducing medication or injections.

  3. Optimal Nutrition: Offer high-protein food such as freshly cooked fish, chicken, or beef to provide essential nourishment. Adjust the diet if your cat experiences diarrhea, and if eating is a challenge, consider tube-feeding with blended food.

  4. Support Organ Function: Consider supplements to strengthen vital organs like the liver and kidneys. Vitamin B12, kidney, and liver supplements are particularly beneficial for FIP-infected cats. Consult your veterinarian to ensure the right supplements are chosen based on blood test results.

  5. Minimize Stress: Create a stress-free environment by allowing your cat to stay in familiar places, offering favorite foods, and providing comfort when needed. If there are other cats in the household, consider separating the FIP cat to reduce stress.

  6. Monitor and Record Symptoms: Keep a close eye on your cat's symptoms, and note when they started and how they progress. This information will be valuable for your veterinarian's assessment and future treatment planning.

  7. Avoid Immune Boosters: Avoid using immune-boosting supplements or treatments, as FIP is an immune-mediated disease. Immune stimulation can lead to rapid FIPV replication. Specifically, L-lysine, commonly used for immune support, is not recommended.

  8. Avoid Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics: Refrain from using Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, as recent studies indicate potential toxicity to the central nervous system, leading to neurological symptoms in cats. It's advisable to consult your veterinarian for alternative antibiotics.

  9. Consult Treatment Expert: If necessary, consult with a treatment expert on our website who specializes in FIP management. Share your cat's blood test results and symptom history for tailored advice on supplements, care and FIP treatment.

  10. Stay Informed: Educate yourself about FIP, its progression, and potential treatment options like GS-441524. Stay in regular communication with your veterinarian to stay updated on any developments related to FIP treatments.

Remember, providing attentive care, comfort, and a stress-free environment are essential for your FIP-afflicted cat's well-being while waiting for GS-441524 treatment.

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